Christus Health
in-plant printing and vdp automation for braille
Enormous time savings by automating in-plant printing processes and braille using vdp
CHRISTUS Health, a Catholic not-forprofit health system made up of more than 600 centers, including long–term care facilities, community hospitals, walk–in clinics and health ministries.
Their in-plant printing press produces braille signs, door hangers, banners, name plates, and many more. To produce all the different products, they use machines from Mimaki and Colex.
The OneVision Highlights
Preparing job files for in-plant printers especially in the wide format printing sector is usually time consuming and – without automation – require many manual preparation steps. In order to future-proof its operations, Christus Health decided to follow the road to automation. With the Wide Format Automation Suite, the print service provider achieves:
- Increased efficiency due to automated variable data printing
- Fewer errors and consistent results
- Intelligent two-sided nesting reduces material waste
- Smooth running end-to-end workflow
Challenges for Christus Health
- Sign information was provided in a spreadsheet that contain anywhere from 10 to 100 signs
- Each line item is a sign that would have to be manually created and placed into proof file
- Especially the manual creation of the braille signs would take hours or days
- Once approved, the production files had to be manually separated before being sent to production for manual nesting
- Two-sided nesting was particularly difficult due to limitations
Solutions for Christus Health
- Sign information is received from an Excel spreadsheet and corrected for input mistakes by Construction and Project Managers
- First step in the workflow is the creation of the proof file in just 2 minutes vs. 3 hours previously
- Once approved, all artwork, print and cut files are created and nested in a single step in 10 minutes vs. 5 hours previously
- Automated variable data printing to create the signs
- Intelligent (two-sided) nesting reduces the waste of material

Del Shankle, Director of Operations“OneVision has already proven to be a wise investment. We can take on more large format projects for the first time in many years because the process is seamless and automated.”
VDP Automation
Variable Data Printing is a key term in today's workflow automation. Variable data printing (VDP) enables the automatic creation of proofs, delivery notes, Braille and many other personalized documents.
Detailled informations about VDP you can read here
Reduce waste with nesting
The OneVision software evaluates all parameters provided, analyzes the print jobs in the queue and determines the best combinations to maximize the printed areas and avoid as much waste as possible.
More about nesting software/gang run printing