Wide Format Automation Suite

Your software for automating wide format printing

Save time-consuming manual steps in your printing process. The Wide Format Automation Suite is our solution for the individual automation of wide format printing (wide and super wide format). The software suite combines an intelligent workflow management system with a comprehensive prepress package and tools tailored specifically to the needs of wide format printing.

From job entry to printing and finishing, the Wide Format Automation Suite offers maximum automation and reliability for all production steps. Optimize your machine utilization with the flexible wide format printing software, while sustainably utilizing substrate and increasing throughput times.

The variety of wide format printing

The challenges in wide format printing are as diverse as the products. The Wide Format Automation Suite is our solution for your individual automation. The software is already in use in many industry segments:

Why to use our wide format printing software for your process?

OneVision's Wide Format Automation Suite has many advantages that you can benefit from. We have summarized the five most convincing reasons here:

  • Market leading technologies such as nesting, tiling & paneling.
  • Middleware: Integration into your existing system landscape
  • The software uses metadata, job tickets and barcodes as a workflow basis
  • Production processes are streamlined, e.g. by reducing extreme file sizes without loss of quality
  • Exclusive on the market automatic file check incl. correction


Our technology and integration partners

Only with smooth workflows wide format printers can produce efficiently and economically. Seamless interaction between these systems is the key. As modular software, the Wide Format Automation Suite can be connected to any system using structured data exchange.
Read more about integration

Sustainable substrate use with intelligent nesting technology

OneVision´s nesting technology creates material-saving print forms based on file and job information – across customers, sorted or based on your needs.
More about nesting software

Production optimized files

Automated file checking and correction enables error-free production – manual work steps are reduced, costs saved.
More about automated file preparation

demo appointment

Of course, we are also available by phone:
+49 (0)941 78004-0

We take you one step ahead!

Our automation experts are looking forward to your request. Contact us now!

These customers 
rely on the  
Wide Format  
Automa­tion Suite

Customized software solutions for our customers

The Wide Format Automation Suite is convincing in a variety of wide format printing segments and a wide range of customers count on our software for wide format printing.

wide format printing software from OneVision Software

”OneVision has allowed us to process files faster and more accurately than ever. We have only just scratched the surface of what is possible.”

Deon Capogreco, Managing Director at Big Image Australia